AMRISK VERSION 2.5 – documentation of verification tests

FFI-Report 2021

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Knut B. Holm Carl Elfving Hans Øiom Emil Serander Peter Larsson Martin Normann Nielsen
AMRISK is the software code used for quantitative risk assessment of ammunition storages in Norway and Sweden. As the first part of a major upgrade of the code, AMRISK version 2.5 is finished and verified. The code of version 2.5 is converted from Fortran to C#. The user interface has been improved with an enhanced use of maps and geographical information. Except for a new model for thermal effects and the replacement of a model for underground storages, the calculation models in AMRISK 2.5 are the same as in AMRISK 2.0. AMRISK 2.5 is verified by running a series of reference tests. The test results are compared with results from AMRISK 2.0. Version 2.5 gives the same results as version 2.0, except from some minor deviations for unlimited area objects and objects particularly exposed to ground shock. The verification exposed a program error in version 2.0 that results in too high debris density in a small sector outside tunnels. This is corrected in version 2.5.

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